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    Euromac S.r.l.

    Strada Statale 31-6


    +39 0142 483195

    For the Converters that visit the K-2016, EUROMAC , the Italian leader in slitter rewinder's has developed in cooperation with BST Eltromat international the doctor rewinder CB800 with inspection system iPQ-Check of BST ELTROMAT INTERNATIONAL. The aim between both parties to partner-up for the occasion is to improve the relationship between companies and increase of supplying customer specific solutions which can mutually benefit for both EUROMAC and BST eltromat clientele. Converters can discover a compact high-end EUROMAC solution with the latest high-tech superior 100% inspection camera system from BST eltromat International. The EUROMAC CB800 doctor rewinder is one of their best selling doctor rewinders and with the standard configuration can handle various materials from 50 - 800mm and  wind till diam. 800mm in bi-directional way. working speeds upto 500 m/min. All operations are integrated in an ergonomic pivoting touch screen panel for all operators commodities. Both producers. showcase an integration of best practice implementing BST eltromat’s iPQ-CHECK with backlight within EUROMAC’ s high end doctor rewinder. Demonstrations are planned each day, showcasing the numerous possibilities of the doctor rewinder, inspection, and rewinding. The inspection system is further equipped with the PPQ REWINDER NAVIGATOR / WORK FLOW , and supplied with a double 23” Touch screens for operator friendly operations. The system is fully  developed to detect, map and eventually remove print defects by the operators with the supplied splicing table above the machines unwinder. The handshake between the BST eltromat inspection system and the EUROMAC CB800 doctor rewinder are created to stop the machine at the indicated print defects, saving operator time, money, increasing the companies quality and participates highly to each converters image and the end clients satisfaction.

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